Harp & Bowl Prayer & Worship – 24 Sep

Harp & Bowl Prayer & Worship – 24 Sep

Revelation 5:8 ESV

8 And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.

Our Harp & Bowl Prayer gathering’s will include reading scriptures, praying and singing. Usually someone will read a passage of scripture and then begin praying. These prayers represent the bowl. Next, singers will use the verse and prayers as a springboard to develop music/worship around this theme – representing the harp. By alternating between harp and bowl (music/worship and prayer), different themes can be developed and songs created that help establish an environment of prayer, intercession and seeking His face. A feature of harp and bowl worship is the spontaneous singing that develops. Spontaneous singing happens when singers hear the bible verse or prayer someone has released and then develops it vocally. Often a simple phrase is developed out of this spontaneous song which allows those listening to join in and participate. After staying on a particular theme, the music will quieten to create space for the person leading the prayer time to begin praying or reading a bible verse again.

Sept 4th @ 7PM – with Andrew Williams

Sept 24th @ 7PM – with Micah Munyard

Oct 3rd @ 7PM – with Andrew Williams
