Living out our faith in community

We believe that God calls us to live out our faith in the context of community. Life groups are dedicated to fostering deep meaningful friendships centred on Jesus, nurturing spiritual growth, and actively contributing to the expansion of the Kingdom. If you desire to plug in with the community to grow as a disciple of Jesus, then we would love to have you join one of our life groups.


A lifegroup is a group of people committed to sharing life as disciples of Jesus in the everyday stuff of life. Life groups are for life-on-life Christianity; they are a way for us to journey together as we wholeheartedly pursue Jesus. In Life Groups, we build friendships as we come together to serve, laugh, dream, change the world, and have fun while loving God and loving others.


Life with littles

We are a group for Mums with Littles. Our heart is to journey with Mums who are in a similar season of craziness with kids. Come join us for connection, free coffee and chats. The Littles will have a great time in our kid’s playroom at PRAYER HOUSE CHURCH.

Beeliar Life Group - MEN’S & WOMEN’S

When: 2nd Friday of Month at 7pm 
Where: Beeliar
Leaders: Denver and Olivia Forsdike

Southern River Life Group - Adults

When: 4th Saturday of Month 
Where: Southern River
Leaders: Ivan and Renata Budiman

Young Adults Life Group

When: Wednesday, fortnightly: 2nd and 4th of the month at 7.30pm 
Where: Harrisdale
Leaders: Ben and Kezia Dawson

Baldivis Life Group - Adults 

When: Wednesday, fortnightly: 2nd and 4th of the month at 7pm 
Where: Baldivis
Leaders: Lisa and Alex Sebregts


When: 9:30-11am starting every fortnight from 7th Feb during school term 
Where: Dome Cafe at Deep Water Point 

Mosman Park Life Group - Adults

When: Wednesdays, Fortnightly: 2nd and 4th of the month at 7pm
Where: Mosman Park

Winthrop Life Group - Adults

When: Wednesdays Fortnightly: 2nd and 4th of the month at 7pm 
Where: Winthrop
Leaders: Sue and Dave McArthur

Coogee Life Group - Adults: (Young couples/families)

When: Wednesday, fortnightly: 2nd and 4th of the month at 7pm 
Where: Coogee
Leaders: Ps James and Caroline Paternoster

If you would like more information on life groups, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Community Pastor Lorraine Johnson we think she is pretty awesome!